LED Illumination, Tirane – Rinas, Albania

Road Lighting

The road from “Zogu Zi” to Nene Tereza Airport is one the main road for Tirana.

Contract Value: 1,500,000 Euro

Time Period: 12 months

Dimension: Approximately 16 km of road.

The project included a new LED lighting system for the road.
ITE Group was contracted for following equipment:
Electrical Power Supply from the grid 20/0.4kV with various electrical cabins ranging from 200kVA to 400 kVA.
Supply of all main elements of the electrical room like transformer, switchgear, voltage regulator. Supply and installation of all lighting poles ranging in dimensions and shapes.
Company was responsible to implement lighting project for matching all categories of road starting form highway to sidewalks for pedestrians. This goal was reached by various luminaries of the brand General Electric; Spinella LED 128W, Spinella LED 91 W, Spinella LED 63W and Spinella LED 43W. The lighting project was designed in partnership with General Electric Lighting and was challenging to achieve.

General Electric Lighting, Mitas Poles, Wetra Lighting, Prysmian Group.


The customer received a result which fully corresponds to the requirements for national road with high efficiency and long life luminaire according to latest norms of the EU.

Key Success Factors:

  • High-quality of material installed

  • Direct Support from partners

  • Proper Equipment’s and tools for the job

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